Headlines, headlines, and not an ounce of truth! Or so it seems. One could easily drown in that overwhelming flood of self-satisfied, glitzy, ever-shifting tide of evil. And yes, all the above are evil, not just the ones that we’re accustomed to calling by that name. We are bombarded with it all everywhere we go. Television. Cell phones. Computers. At the store. In the restaurant. Even at the gas pump! We cannot escape it. It is said by those who promote these evils (and many other forms of evil as well) that Christian values are but phantoms of a bygone era bent on tyranny and suppression. Be free, they say. Drop the shackles of misogynistic, colonial, imperial, capitalist, Christian dogma. “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!”
Even those in the church, professing fellow-believers, have taken up the siren-song of so-called New Age rhetoric. Prosperity. Wealth. Power. All you have to do is throw away your Bible. And why not? That old, dusty, boring book is out of date for this enlightened age, isn’t it? Or is it? What part of “thou shalt not kill” is not relevant for today? What part of “thou shalt not commit adultery” is not useful for today? “Thou shalt not bear false witness (aka. lie)?” “Thou shalt not covet?” “Honor thy father and mother?” Where is the tyranny or oppression in those commands? How is it hating women for God to say honor your mother, don’t murder your wife (or sister, aunt, etc.), don’t lie to her? Ah, but therein lies the rub. GOD said it. And why should we obey the dictates of an unseen deity?
So many stand today in awe of the evil and darkness around us, of the hatred for the only true God of the Bible and His true followers. But why? Here is the answer: We have cast off the one source for true prosperity, wealth, and power there ever was and ever will be and His holy standard. How can we act surprised at the spike in killings and thefts in our towns and cities, at the blackmail and lies in the highest levels of our government, and at the dishonor to authority when we have screamed our hatred to the God Who told us what to do in the first place?
God told us “thou shalt not…” How much clearer could He have been? He warned us what would happen if we threw out His holy laws and substituted our own twisted version. He told us we would suffer for rejecting Him, not because He is vindictive, but because He is holy and just and would have us live in peace with Him and others. And so we are suffering. As a nation and as a world.
Physical wealth is temporary. Human power shifts. Prosperity is momentary. If we seek these things, we are only buying comforts that will not last. What God does, lasts forever. His law is forever. As is His love for us.